2023 Fort McCoy Spring Turkey Information

2024 Spring Turkey permit applications will be available 1 January, 2024.  

Click here for Spring Turkey Harvest Data

Spring Turkey Permit Requirements: The awarded Fort McCoy Spring Turkey Permit ($13) and the Wisconsin Spring Turkey license ((i.e., current Spring Turkey Hunting License, Conservation Patron License or a Senior Citizen Recreation Card), and stamp are required to hunt Ft McCoy. 

Awarded Ft McCoy spring turkey permits may be purchased online through your Ft McCoy iSportsman account or at the Ft McCoy permit Sales Office located in building 2168 M-F 7-330.  Your Ft McCoy awarded spring turkey permit will show what spring turkey season you were awarded.  Any state issued spring turkey authorizations/tags are not valid on Fort McCoy. Fort McCoy is a separate unit and is not part of Zone 1.

State of Wisconsin Spring Turkey license and stamps can be purchased through the Wisconsin DNR GoWild system at https://gowild.wi.gov/.

Spring Turkey Season Dates:  

The Spring Turkey hunting season on Fort McCoy consists of 6 hunting periods.  Each season running 5 days in length (Monday – Friday (except period A, which is 3-days (Wednesday - Friday)). This is done to minimize conflict with increased military training on the weekends and to provide a 2-day period open for scouting with no disruption to hunters. There will be a limited number of permits for each season.  Season permit quotas are based on training schedules and training area availability.

2024 Season will be posted at a leter date.

Season A  April  
Season B  April 
Season C  May
Season D  May
Season E  May 
Season F  May

There is no spring turkey hunting on the weekends. Scouting is acceptable if training areas are open on the Game Line. Check the Game Line daily.

NOTE: Fort McCoy does not participate in the Youth Hunt.


Harvest Authorization: If awarded a Fort McCoy Spring Turkey Permit ($13), your Fort McCoy spring turkey permit also serves as your Spring Turkey Harvest Authorization for Fort McCoy. You are also required to purchase a Wisconsin State Spring Turkey License. The Wisconsin Spring Turkey license can be for any State Spring Turkey Season.  

Harvest limit is 1 turkey per permit. Along with the purchase of your Fort McCoy permit, all turkey hunters must possess the appropriate Wisconsin Spring Turkey hunting license (i.e., current Spring Turkey Hunting License, Conservation Patron License or a Senior Citizen Recreation Card), and Wild Turkey Stamp before hunting on Fort McCoy. 

 All persons must reference the current Fort McCoy and Wisconsin Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations for additional license information.


Turkey Registration: Turkeys harvested on Fort McCoy no longer need to be registered through the Wisconsin DNR GameReg. All harvests will be registered through iSportsman upon Check-out. When reporting your harvest, iSportsman will ask for any harvest information. Fort McCoy will report harvest results to the DNR at the end of each season.

When you register your harvest with iSportsman, your Harvest Confirmation Number will be your iSportsman Account/Permit Number and Registration Date using the format ######-mmddyy (example for a harvest on April 19: 123456-041923). Please record this for your records in case it is requested by DNR officials. No in-person registration stations are available.


 Click on Regulations in top menu to review Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations.  Wild turkey harvest registration will be conducted upon Check-out in the iSportsman.  Fort McCoy will provide WDNR with Fort McCoy turkey harvest data.


Firearm Registration is required.   All spring turkey hunters are required to register their firearm(s) well in advance to their hunting season.  Click on Regulations tab in top menu and select Firearm Registration.


Minimum age requirement:  Fort McCoy requires a minimum age of 10 years to participate in spring turkey hunting. A maximum of 4 applicants per group including any youth.


Fort McCoy Activity Information Card:  All individuals are required to display an information card on the passenger side of the windshield/dash. Click here for template.


GameLine: Check the Game Line for training area closures daily prior to hunting.  You can check the Game Line by calling 866-277-1597, online at www.mccoy.isportsman.net, or at the kiosk at the Hunter Information Point at the intersection of Hwy 21 and South J Street. Check Game Line daily.


Reporting Garlic Mustard: Do you want to play a part in managing the habitat where you hunt? 

The Fort McCoy Natural Resource Branch (NRB) is interested in finding hunters to help identify Garlic Mustard and report the location where it was found.  In doing so, you would help the Fort McCoy NRB to better treat and control the spread of this invasive species and improve the habitat in these areas.  If you would be interested, please email the Permit Sales Office at usarmy.mccoy.id-readiness.mbx.dpw-permit-sales@army.mil and we can provide you an informational packet that includes; How to identify Garlic Mustard, the known locations of Garlic Mustard on Fort McCoy,  as well as, other pertinent information. We appreciate any and all assistance.


Reporting Discarded Items: Help to maintain a clean and safe environment for wildlife and humans. If you come across dumped items such as household items, drums, concertina wire, etc., please mark and report the location(s) to Permit Sales so the appropriate authorities can be contacted to remove the items.


Contact Information: Permit Sales Office (Bldg 2168)

   Open Monday through Friday 7:00a.m. – 3:30p.m. (Closed weekends and holidays)

   Phone: 608-388-3337

   E-mail: usarmy.mccoy.id-readiness.mbx.dpw-permit-sales@army.mil


Fort McCoy Hunting, Fishing and Trapping regulations are also available at the Permit Sales Office, online, and at the Hunter Information Point located south of Highway 21 at the intersection of Quarry Hill Road and Highway 21 and will be open for all hunting seasons.



The mission of the Fort McCoy Natural Resource Branch is to foster the wise stewardship of natural and cultural resources which will support and sustain a realistic military training environment, biological diversity, the integrity of sensitive or unique sites, and commercial and recreational opportunities.